15 Ways to Tell You Still Believe in Santa

Evelyn Marentette
4 min readDec 21, 2020

Are you still a kid at heart?

There is no shortage of surveys to indicate not all adults want to give up on the idea of an old, platinum-haired guy, dressed in a red pantsuit, capable of sliding down a chimney showing up at their homes.

This idea speaks to people’s desire to believe in the benevolence of the spirit of Christmas. A willingness to see the glass half-full. A choice to disavow the lows of the preceding months to be the way you choose to end the year.

You can adapt this to any other holiday.

  1. You get excited writing a Christmas list.

As you compile a list, you find it difficult to contain your enthusiasm at the possibilities. Gifts received in adulthood are a lot better than when you were a child. Those gifts aren’t the ones of catalogs, but of time shared with friends. A night out with friends, a weekend spent with family.

2. You partake of Secret Santa.

When you play Secret Santa, you try your utmost to keep your identity a secret. You find great pleasure in participating and fulfilling your part in this game.

3. You frequent Christmas social events.



Evelyn Marentette

writer, stand-up paddle boarder, kayaker, hiker, re-envisions old homes, loves travel, reading & music. Nothing better than a Sunday Drive!