5 Surprising Ways To Turn Exercise Into An Easy Routine

Evelyn Marentette
5 min readJul 25, 2024
Photo by Author

Years ago, the exercise bug bit me. I sculpted my body by spending an hour a day, five days a week, following exercises on videos. I was diligent and adhered to a routine to accomplish my goals.

I exercised to manage my chronic back pain. It helped me endure the demands of my physical job and also aided me in overcoming the depression gnawing at me from the tragic loss of my husband. I didn’t think about my strategy.

After a few decades, I put aside my workout tapes and equipment. I stopped exercising and began to use the same excuses as everyone else: There was too much to do, I was too busy, I had children, and I worked full-time.

Exercise became a thing of the past. I gained weight and hardly recognized myself in the mirror. To make things worse, I ate everything in sight. I was bloated, and my blood pressure started to rise. I knew the only thing that’d help me effect a change was to turn back to exercise. I needed a routine.

To do that, I used these five key steps.

So put your guilt, shame, and every negative feeling you can think of aside. Toss out those excuses. It’s time for you to use all that energy to change your life!

You can use five easy steps to transform exercise into a routine.



Evelyn Marentette

writer, stand-up paddle boarder, kayaker, hiker, re-envisions old homes, loves travel, reading & music. Nothing better than a Sunday Drive!